
Friday, November 7, 2008

About Dazu (8/10)

Went through She Ri:

LQ: Go through the parts 0 0 52 b75| 0 0 6#4 26| to make it more flowing.

ZR: Louder in certain parts!

YQ: Added notes to help Guzheng. (Practice!)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Updates: 1st Nov 08

Dazu problems:

First Part

Yangqin = intensive practice. No more to be said.

Liuqin + Zhongruan + Pipa ->

First half: Crescendo at 36 and become softer and softer at the last 16.

Second half: Liuqin and Pipa are playing the first half, Zhongruan is playing the second half. Liuqin must count the bar number! D:

Both halves of the first part: ZR generally needs to be louder, LQ and Pipa a bit softer.

Second Half

Summed up in one word: Practice with dynamics. Not very hard.


She Ri (Xiaozu)

First page:

Zhongruan needs to observe dynamics (crescendo and decrescendo) and the presence of the accent (especially). Rhythmic problems are present for a few people.

Liuqin needs to keep up in speed. (More serious problem than Zhongruan's dynamics.)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Late Post

Here are recent updates of practice on Marking Week:

Wednesday (22 Oct):

Everyone (except Kwang Yi) are to go through their kaoji songs. Remember to submit Certificates etc. to Mr Seetoh next Wednesday!

Saturday (25 Oct):

Good job, Tanbo, for not forgetting how to play She Ri.

A few minor problems here and there:

Yangqin, Liuqin and Pipa remember to practice the 2 52 b7527 part. It repeats 2 times at least, so it is quite important.

The end of each sub melody, like 24 25 26 21|1--- and 42 64 26 42 | 64 26 4 -, remember to apply suitable dynamics. That said, instill more feelings into the melody (despite it being a melody made out of 4 notes) as it is a sort of folk dance/shaman dance of the tribe (I think).

Zhongruan is generally ok, no major problems.

(And the welcoming of Emperor Sng into the Tan Bo family for playing Sanxian!)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Updates- 4/9

Prac from 9-12, 2-5 was boring.

We played through random songs and finished the simplification of She Ri.


Sec 1s- Sight-reading.

Remember to memorise the scales- the tones and semitones; chord playing; combining prac with sight-reading.

Next time we will be doing real-life sight-reading (hahar).

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Good job RICO Tanbo!

You all owned the stage!

Especially for Ye Ge!

Our reception was equal to or higher than that of Qin Wang (not to promote any rivalry), but this shows we all are a great group =D

Let us work hard for SYF through She Ri (sorry I just need to do the LQ part on Wednesday then I copy to some Manuscript Paper then its job done, but right now, not really).

Remember to thank the Sec 4s and the Alumni for coming to help us! (Wen Qiang, Yong Kiam, Jun Yu, Chun Yin, Eugene (now back!), Jun Sean, Jowie, Jeremy!)


Prac is on Wed-Fri, 9-12 then 2-5 for lunch break. Saturday is as per normal.

Kwang Yi will be out for OIP, so Chang Cheng and I will take over. Sec 3s will prac for their kaoji while Sec 1s shall learn some sight-reading.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Prac Updates- 29/08

Ye Ge


Bar 2 and 4 arpeggios must have a bit of differing musical tone. For Bar 2 arpeggios 146 and 2462; they must be played lightly and softly. Whereas for the Bar 4 arpeggios 373 and #472, play a bit louder and 'heavier'.

For Bars 5-8 must play loudly (until the 3 in Bar 6 where we have to descrescendo) and crescendo!

For Bar 13 melody, listen to yangqin's volume. Follow.

For the 6616,6616 part, the first two beats of the 2nd and 4th bar of same rhythm are the loudest, the rest are very soft and little crescendo and decrescendo should be heard.

For the 2/4 part, the main melody (666 666 1 6) has the strongest point at 1. All similar melodies have the same property.

For the part 14b3, 142, 151... accent the three chords, the rest if it misses its ok.

For the part 45,6665,6661... play the dynamic variations!

For the part b6, b7b6, 4141, do not speed up!

For the #6752, 4525, 5 part, try not to screw up X(

For the last part (the luns), until the last 2 bars, do not decrescendo. =D


Not much, just do not sao yin at the start of every phrase XD


Play your melodies out and loud! And when lunning for the LQ Solo, play at the appropriate range! And at the end, play out loud and (time) accurately!

Zhan Ma

Basically alright liao! Hongbo jiayou!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Updates- 27/08

4 more days to RICO concert, ppl! Jiayou!

On a side note: Here are 27/08's practise highlights:


27/08, Wednesday.

The day in which the all-important digit goes below 5.

And the last xiaozu practice of this concert.


Xin Xian:

Sadly I have to address this song in three different groups due to different assessment.

LQ: Start lunning the air before playing the piece officially. Although I bet Jin Se Nian Hua would be sufficient practice =D . And I know its hard, but put in some dynamics.

Pipa: -Blank- (Seriously since SL was busy there cannot be any comments. Since Kwang Yi did not even play.)

ZR (non-sec 1s): Chang Cheng play a bit louder! Jun Sean don't play so (loudly). Otherwise it is ok.

ZR (sec 1s): Common problems noted-
1) No variation of dynamics whatsoever- ZR's bassline = imba. Thus, add some expressions! Also, listen to the orchestra. If the main melody is soft, play softly. If the main melody is louder, play loudly.

2) Detached melody- 2 possible causes:
  1. Using of tan tan tan... instead of tan tiao tan tiao. Practice using tantiao instead of tantan!
  2. No suspension of notes. When note is being played, make the finger stay there for a longer time instead of moving quickly to the next note.
3) Muffled sounds- Press the note harder!

ZR (overall): Playing of chords (part E) should be moderately loud, but not violent; should be more packed (as in the notes should not sound very scattered), but there is no need to make them sound like one note. Also note that timing was a bit off sometimes. Remember to LISTEN to each other!

Overall: Xinxian for Tanbo is pretty ok. Just take note of the above problems and it should be ok.

Ye Ge (ZR only):

Sounded ok. Remember to look at K Siah for the cues on Bars 1 and 124.

Zhan Ma (ZR+CY+KY):

Also sounded ok. Since I was busy listening to Sec 1s, I can't generate real remarks. Nonetheless, it sounded ok.



Friday, 2 pm, RJCO room for Ye Ge Performers!


Dong Heng

Monday, August 25, 2008

Yoz {First Life}

After the... disastrous death of our first RICO Tanbo blog, the new blog has been set up!

(Following the spirit of the RICO Daji!)



Zhan Ma- Generally ok! But ZR must play clearer and louder at times (and softer too >.<). Yangqin's notes a bit more accuracy can liao! And pipa, maybe for the main theme in F diao, you can add a bit more expressions? Like the 4th bar increased in dynamics or so.

Aftermath- Separate practice: LQ in SR Block, ZR in RJCO Room O.o And we see 4H lockers piled with stands and LQs.


More will come soon! (I promise!)

Dong Heng (ASL)